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Investigating the Mechanical Properties of Bioactive Glass Composites in Bone Tissue Engineering

Description: Investigating the Mechanical Properties of Bioactive Glass Composites in Bone Tissue Engineering

Bone tissue has a high ability to repair, but if the body has lost its ability to repair for some reason, a solution must be found to repair the damage. Among the different materials that can be used for this purpose, bioglass improves the mechanical properties and the formation of hydroxyapatite on the surface. In addition, it has the ability to release ions needed for bone formation, such as zinc and magnesium. One of the suitable methods of making bioactive glass scaffolds is the method of using foaming agents. In this method, 93% porosity can be achieved. In this method, the cavitation agent creates porosity by creating gas inside the polymer network at a certain temperature and pressure. In this case, the holes are connected to each other up to 30%, but the surface of the sample remains without porosity, so to solve the problem of the connection of the holes, this method can be integrated with the particle washing method. The scaffold properties of bioactive glass composites have been investigated mechanically and showed acceptable results compared to other materials in bone tissue engineering. In the mechanical evaluations, it was observed that at temperatures above 1000 degrees Celsius, the scaffold was destroyed and the phenomenon of porosity reduction occurred, indicating the composite's very good thermal stability. In the discussion of mechanical properties to increase the strength of the scaffold, in addition to reducing the porosity, different methods such as changing the synthesis method of the material with temperature changes reached the desired level of strength. Also, due to the change in the structure of the bioactive glass due to the increase in temperature, the change from an amorphous to a three-dimensional porous network caused an increase in porosity. With the excessive increase in temperature, the structure of the material was destroyed, causing the loss of holes and thus reducing the porosity. So, in other words, the thermal stability of bioactive glass can be expressed as its resistance against excessive loss of moisture in the material and preventing the destruction of the structure.

Organisation: Atarod Elm Highschool, Tehran, Iran

Innovator(s): Mohammad Taha Golestani, Mahan Malek, Mehrad Aghahakim, Amirreza Kashani, Aein Bagheri, Faraz Forghani Allahabadi

Category: Other/Miscellaneous

Country: Iran

Gold Award