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Smart Tap

Description: Gesture controlled tap integrated with all the features that is Soap Dispenser, Hand Dryer and additionally saving water.

Rapid Spreading of Germs and Viruses due to common usage of Taps, Handwashes and Dryers. We developed a multifunctional tap that includes a soap dispenser, a water dispenser, and a hot blower in a single unit which is completely touch less integrated product that we can install in our wash basin this product is developed for both residential and commercial purposes but more focuses toward on commercial purpose such as hospital,airports,hotels etc. Hygiene and Sterilization is concentrated rather than luxury. Complete integrated product Comparatively low cost

Organisation: Sreenidhi Institute of science and technology

Innovator(s): Kohima Boga, Saket Gumudavelli.

Category: Healthcare/Fitness

Country: India

Bronze Award